Thursday, January 26th 11am – 3 pm C


Includes FREE guest pass!

Thursday, January 26th 11am – 3 pm C


Includes free guest pass!

On this next edition of the bi-annual Marketing Summit that everyone is raving about ..

On this next edition of the bi-annual Marketing Summit that everyone is raving about ..

Are you frustrated with learning how to grow your business because of
sketchy gurus and silver bullet promises??

Break free from the BS

Join us at the TIMELESS MARKETING SUMMIT where authentic marketing experts will give you actionable, timeless marketing tactics you can

implement in your business


You won't just learn, YOU'LL DO

Picture of Brad Martineau

Brad Martineau

will guide you through a detailed checklist that converts prospects into your perfect customer.

Picture of Misty Kortes

Misty Kortes

will help you turn your own website into a conversion machine.

Picture of Michael Hunter

Michael Hunter

will show you advanced check-out tactics that you can use to get the most out of every transaction.

Picture of Brian Byars

Brian Byars

will list out the exact set of questions that gets him a 98% closing rate so you can use them, too.

Picture of Bryce Christiansen & Jade Olivia

Bryce Christiansen & Jade Olivia

will talk about psychology-based conversion tactics and help you find where you can apply them in your own marketing.

You won't just learn, YOU'LL DO

Picture of Brad Martineau

Brad Martineau

will guide you through a detailed checklist that converts prospects into your perfect customer.

Picture of Misty Kortes

Misty Kortes

will help you turn your own website into a conversion machine.

Picture of Michael Hunter

Michael Hunter

will show you advanced check-out tactics that you can use to get the most out of every transaction.

Picture of Brian Byars

Brian Byars

will list out the exact set of questions that gets him a 98% closing rate so you can use them, too.

Picture of Bryce Christiansen & Jade Olivia

Bryce Christiansen & Jade Olivia

will talk about psychology-based conversion tactics and help you find where you can apply them in your own marketing.

Gain Clarity

from authentic marketing experts who will share the same timeless marketing methods they used to build their own businesses

Feel Confident

knowing you'll get easy-to-follow action items in a fun action-packed summit, skipping all the BS everyone is sick of...

You won't be forced to buy the recordings

You won't be watching pre-recorded videos

You won't be fed silver bullet promises

You'll be taught time-tested marketing that you can

actually use and feel good about

Thursday, January 26th  11:00am – 3:00pm Central

Live on Zoom

Meet the speakers

Brad Martineau
Sixth Division

Brad Spent 7+ years leading the Product Development team at Infusionsoft. He's married, has five kids, he collects flat brimmed fitted hats, he loves to play basketball, and (fun fact) he irons everything he wears. Seriously.

Michael Hunter
Spiffy Checkouts

This guy is THE go-to resource for all things checkouts. Not only did he develop the premier checkout product on the market, he's a full-on strategy and branding expert, too. Basically, he can do anything.

Bryce Christiansen

As a small business innovator and advocate, at PlusThis Bryce works hand-in-hand with entrepreneurs and marketers to ensure they're using the latest, most cutting-edge automation tools and techniques to enhance their clients' experience.

Misty Kortes
Your Marketing Coach

Misty is a digital marketing expert, author, speaker, trainer, and coach who helps entrepreneurs scale and grow their businesses to seven figures by helping them implement marketing strategies that work. AND, she's beautiful.

Brian Byars
Advanced Retirement Planning

As the owner of multiple seven-figure businesses, you'd be surprised to learn that Brian achieved his success not through high-tech tactics, but through empathetic sales strategies.

Jade Olivia
Host, Hype-Woman, Cheerleader

I specialize in automating small businesses and managing online communities. I love my family, ukuleles, and big fun crowds. I'm excited to bring entrepreneurs together, because learning is way more fun that way.

Read more about why I'm hosting this summit below.

Thursday, January 26th from 11:00am – 3:00pm Central, live on Zoom

Summit Schedule​


All times are listed in Central CST


Super quick & awesome welcome with your host, Jade Olivia


The Sales Pipeline Conversion Checklist: How to convert prospects you get into the customers you want, Brad Martineau


Short break


Make more money without more leads: Checkout tactics that boost your average order values, Michael Hunter


Short break


Websites that actually work: Turn your website into a well-oiled conversion machine, Misty Kortes


Short break


The cycle of questions: Learn how to get your prospects to sell themselves for you, Brian Byars


Short break


Push them over the fence: Psychology-based conversion tactics that get the “maybe”s over the finish line,
Bryce Christiansen & Jade Olivia


Closing announcements, Jade Olivia


the end 🙂

Frequently Asked Questions

2 reasons..

Firstly, it’s too good. This is not one of those “free summits with a bunch of random videos to help a bunch of random people” kind of events. Top-tier speakers are showing up to give you real, actionable marketing tips that you can implement right away.

And secondly, I want you to have skin in the game. I want you to be on live, I want you to care. This event was put together to help you clear up some real marketing frustrations and misconceptions. So show up ready to meet some amazing people live on the zoom webinar.

Generally, a keynote is a big inspirational message. Those are great, but the focus of this summit is to skip the fluff and get right into the good stuff right away.

Instead of too many ideas that would cause confusion and overwhelm, you’ll get exactly 5 action items to act on immediately. No stress, just clear steps.

There isn’t one. I just love doing this, because these are the amazing people who mentored me to success and I wanted to share that experience with you.

Hey everyone! I'm Jade 🙂

And I… love… events (even online ones!) I love the people, the energy, all of it. I’ll learn and get inspired, and I’ll socialize til I drop (on the dance floor that is). BUT.. as a “marketer,” even my colleagues and I sometimes get a little annoyed with.. well.. marketing.

Fads and expensive apps come and go, social media channels change every 2 seconds, and there’s always some guru or coach who promises the world if only you stop being you and start being them.

But one thing never changes. The fundamentals. The time-tested, tried and true tactics and strategies that just plain work.

And you know what else never changes? There will always be good people out there, marketing themselves authentically and successfully, using these timeless marketing methods. Because they care, they serve, and they know it’s not about them at all. It’s about you, it’s about us.

I had the distinct pleasure of growing my consulting business from zero to six figures in its first year, largely because of exposure to marketing legends and their communities of caring, sharing entrepreneurs. But I’m lucky – I “grew up” as an entrepreneur in a space where marketing itself is our craft, so I started to explore outside of my Keap & Marketing Automation bubble.

The more time I spend in non-marketing groups and entrepreneurial spaces, the more plainly I see why most small business get frustrated about finding quality marketing education and direction. There’s crap everywhere! Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of great coaches and influencers out there, too. But honestly, it’s hard to distinguish the good from the bad unless you do this all day every day.

That’s why I’ve hand-picked 5 of the most timeless, authentic marketing educators I know, so they can share ONLY the good stuff with you. No more, no less.

Events are awesome, but if you've been to a lot then you know you're just

tired of some things

At the timeless marketing summit, you'll simply get

timeless information

from marketing experts, without any of extra crap you don't want.

So if you've ever experienced frustration with summits, gurus, workshops, presentations, or conferences in the past,

you owe it to yourself

to come to this summit for just $27