Not only do you want to track your numbers, but don’t you want to know what it means and where you should be at? Yep that’s the dream.
Now you can grab this super fun and easy spreadsheet that is COMPLETELY READY and already has all the formulas you need to see your stats, and a means to watch, optimize, and grow.
It’s not just numbers for numbers’ sake, it’s real metrics that give you the real Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your community and its performance. So now you can see what’s going on, and make informed decisions to make your community even better for your members.

What's included..
- A pre-formatted spreadsheet to do the math for you
- Clear definitions on what the stats mean
- Benchmarks and goals so you know where you stand
- Ledger space so you can goal set and track history
- Recommendations on additional stats you might want to track
- Video explainer so you understand every piece and how it all works

Not only do you want to track your numbers, but don’t you want to know what it means and where you should be at? Yep that’s the dream.
Now you can grab this super fun and easy spreadsheet that is COMPLETELY READY and already has all the formulas you need to see your stats, and a means to watch, optimize, and grow.
It’s not just numbers for numbers’ sake, it’s real metrics that give you the real Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your community and its performance. So now you can see what’s going on, and make informed decisions to make your community even better for your members.

What's included..
- A pre-formatted spreadsheet to do the math for you
- Clear definitions on what the stats mean
- Benchmarks and goals so you know where you stand
- Ledger space so you can goal set and track history
- Recommendations on additional stats you might want to track
- Video explainer so you understand every piece and how it all works